Shippify is an intelligent last-mile logistics service that streamlines any business operation with an elastic on-demand fleet and a flexible pricing model that turns regular delivery into an excellent experience.
- Prototype on Figma tool and implementation of new web components applications on React with JavaScript and styling with Scss following SOLID principles and good coding practices and test-driven development (Mocha and Jest).
- Implement modals, forms with schemas of validation, fetch information with API Rest and real-time update with Firebase.
- Component status management with Redux-Thunks and managment lifecycle withs hooks (useEffect, useEffect, useMemo).
- Creation of architecture micro-frontend to load different react applications on demand and management of custom UI-Kit for component styling and UI-Sdk for reuse logic across microfronteds.
- Creation of multi-platform app with React Native and React to be used in desktop and Android using higher-order components to reuse logic to be used on different platform views. Webpack was customized to build web app and android compilations.
- Creation and modification of endpoint to new requests for business logic in Express server dockerized. Middlewares for authorization, validation and sanitation schemas, fetch data from Redis, MySQL or Firebase, transform data and retrieve data to web app.
- Deployment of AWS resources using the Serverless framework. Configuration of API Gateway, autoprune version, scheduling with Event Bridge, Lambdas dockerized (using languages as Python, Java, JS/TS).
- Optimization of SQL queries in order to be able to perform large data loads from SQL database for ondemand customer reporting.
- Creation of Lambdas functions for: extracting data from database (MongoDB, MySQL), map data and send it (Buffer, S3, email or SNS for creations of XLSX file or retieve data to web app.
- Implementation of CD/CI from Github Actions for deployment on AWS and integrations with SonarQube on Github pull request for ensure code quality.